Title: What's Mine Is Yours!
DMCI Interface Begin
DMCI: Turn: +1 (Turn: 5)
DMCI: Fuel: -1 (Fuel: 16)
DMCI Interface End
(Click on the above Image to see the full image)
Capt. Antony checks his scanners.
Capt. Antony: This system appears to be totally abandoned.
Lt. Vanguard: That's...bizarre.
Lt. Vanguard: It looks like they had all kinds of infrastructure set up around the moons here, and from what I can tell they had a few spaceports down on the planet as well...
Capt. Antony: Is there anything useful that we can acquire?
Lt. Vanguard: I've had enough of abandoned planets for one day, honestly. I bet we could find some interesting stuff on these mining platforms though.
Lt. Vanguard: If they left in a hurry, I'm sure there would be all kinds of things just lying around.
Lt. Vanguard: We'd have to go in and take a closer look though.
Capt. Antony pulls the ship alongside a nearby mining platform.
Lt. Vanguard: If we can rig up a secure line, I don't mind doing a little spacewalk out there to see what's going on inside. From what I can see, both of those airlock doors are open for some reason.
Lt. Vanguard: Although it might be best if two of us go. I'd hate to be by myself in there if something goes wrong.
Lt. Vanguard: And given how many things have gone wrong so far...
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, please scan the area for life-signs and any salvageable materials.
Ship Computer: "Scanning, Captain."
Lt. Vanguard: Unless you want to come, I think I'll take Ens. McAliber with me. It might be a good idea to have someone skilled at the helm if we're going to be out there on a line.
Ship Computer: "Captain, there is a significant amount of salvageable materials inside this mining platform."
Capt. Antony: Yes, I'll man the helm.
Lt. Vanguard: Alright then. It sounds like I was right and there are some supplies in there. Let's gear up, Mac!
Ens. McAliber: I hope this ain't going to turn out bad.
Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber don airtight suits intended for doing maintenance on the ship's exterior, and rig up secure lines into the airlock.
Lt. Vanguard: What could possibly go wrong this time...
Lt. Vanguard: Can you open up the doors to let us out, Captain?
Lt. Vanguard: Also, we're probably going to need your help finding whatever the computer discovered in there. Do you think you'll be able to direct us?
Capt. Antony: Is that port-side door control panel still acting up? OK, here goes.
The portside airlock doors open up, but an unexpected rush of vacuum catches the men by surprise. Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber begin to drift away from The Kestrel.
Capt. Antony: Lt. Vanguard! Ens. McAliber! You are drifting out into space! Ship Computer, track the drifting crew's life signatures immediately!
Caught off-guard, Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber are pulled out of the airlock and float some distance away from both the ship and the mining platform.
Ship Computer: "Captain, life sign signatures are being tracked. Both Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber are still tethered to the port-side airlock winch."
Lt. Vanguard: The lines are holding, thankfully, but we're stuck out here, sir! Do you think you can help get us back on track? Capt. Antony: Phew! I am so glad that you were bother tethered. This could have been yet another disaster.
Capt. Antony remotely activates the port-side winch.
Lt. Vanguard: I'm glad THIS time we were a bit better prepared...
Capt. Antony: OK, pulling you back in.
Lt. Vanguard: Otherwise I wouldn't be around to be glad about it.
Ens. McAliber: Remind me again why I agreed to come out here with you?
Capt. Antony: Think of the "bonus situation" gentlemen! You're both due for full shares once we reach Federation HQ! Especially after what you've been through already.
Ens. McAliber Thanks for the rescue, Captain!
Lt. Vanguard: Let's get over there and see what we can find before anything else goes wrong.
Capt. Antony: I recommend using the grappling hook!
Ens. McAliber and Lt. Vanguard quickly cross into the mining station after firing a hook across for support.
Capt. Antony: OK, sensors are indicating that there is a storage room...two bulkheads to the west...upon entering the structure.
Ens. McAliber: Sounds good, Captain. We should be able to find it in no time.
Capt. Antony: Hopefully all this effort will be worth it!
Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber quickly make their way to the storage room.
Lt. Vanguard: Jackpot, Captain!
Capt. Antony: Really?!
Lt. Vanguard: We've finally got something to show for our efforts...
Capt. Antony: Tell me we got some scrap!
Ens. McAliber: Looks like we've got some fuel, a pair of functioning missiles, and a decent heap of metal we could haul back to the ship in no time.
Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber bring the majority of the cargo back to The Kestral. Returning for the last few fuel cells, Mac notices something odd about the station.
Ens. McAliber: You know, I didn't notice it at first because there was no atmosphere in here in the first place, but I don't think this platform was supposed to have all these little punctures in the ceiling...
Capt. Antony: Micro meteors?
Lt. Vanguard: I think so...
Capt. Antony: We need to get out of here quickly then...
Lt. Vanguard: Captain, can you do a scan of the area? We never thought to check for that kind of local hazard when we arrived...
Capt. Antony: There is no telling when...
The Captain is interrupted mid sentence. The Kestral’s life-support Oxygen room is hit by a micro meteor that penetrates the ship while the shields are lowered.
Capt. Antony: Dammit!
Capt. Antony: Damage report coming from life-support control!
A shower of tiny meteors shred through the ceiling of the mining platform.
Lt. Vanguard: We've got to get out of here now, Captain! Is everything alright on The Kestral?
Capt. Antony: We're leaking life-support slowly in Oxygen. You two need to get out of their before your suit gets hit by a micro meteor!
Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber quickly turn and head back towards the ship, hoping to get out before the meteor shower worsens.
Capt. Antony: I'm sending out a servo-repair-bot to do a quick patch job in Oxygen.
Ens. McAliber: We're back near the airlocks, Captain! We’re lined up! Reel us in and let's get out of here! Capt. Antony activates the winch and the men find themselves almost instantly in the port airlock. The port airlock doors close and The Kestral pulls away from the mining platform.
Lt. Vanguard: That was fast, Captain! Excellent! Should Mac and I go finish off the repairs in the Oxygen room, or do we want to get out of here ASAP?
Capt. Antony: Sensors are showing a huge meteor shower forming...I'm about to punch it out of here and get some distance away from this beacon...
Capt. Antony quickly pulls up the Beacon Map.
Lt. Vanguard: Sounds good, we don't want any more punctures than we can help!
(Click on the above Image to see the full image)
Capt. Antony: Only one beacon within our reach! Let's hope that we can make repairs once we arrive.
The Teleporter room, although not yet installed, is hit by a micro meteor. Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber run to their stations to prepare for the jump.
Lt. Vanguard: Hopefully I'll be able to stop any more of those meteors getting through before we get out of here! No promises though!
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The Kestral jumps to its only available beacon.
DMCI Interface Begin
DMCI: Scrap: +15 (Scrap: 25)
DMCI: Fuel: +3 (Fuel: 19)
DMCI: Missiles: +2 (Missiles: 10)
DMCI: Crew#2|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#2|Away Team / Rescue: 4)
DMCI: Crew#3|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#3|Away Team / Rescue: 4)
DMCI Interface End