Title: Finally Fighting!
DMCI Interface Begin
DMCI: Turn: +1 (Turn: 6)
DMCI: Fuel: -1 (Fuel: 18)
DMCI Interface End
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Capt. Antony activates the scanners as they have come upon a ship with pirate markings. Lt. Vanguard raises the shields. Ens. McAliber looks up from his weapons screens.
Ens. McAliber: Orders, Captain?
The ship hails The Kestrel.
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, accept hail…Broadcast on all ship monitors.
An ugly and battle-scarred Mantis appears on The Kestrel’s monitors all around the ship.
Mercenary Seth (looking pompous): No one knows this area of space quite like me. Now I can either make your day...or break it. For the right price, I can either delay your pursuers or transmit, to your computer, information regarding this sector.
Ens. McAliber gives a cursory scan of the vessel.
Ens. McAliber: Mantis, Scout class…Artemis launcher and a basic laser…Single-layer shield system…Your call, Cap'n.
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The mercenary ship’s sensor pick up that The Kestrel has raised its shields and has begun to charge its weapons.
Mercenary Seth (Angrily): HAHA, you really are outmatched here! You should reconsider your options.
Capt. Antony: If there's anything worse that Rebels, its mercenaries!
The two ships maintain video transmission between each other.
Mercenary Seth (Furiously screaming to his crew): Arm burst laser! Load missile bays!
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Mercenary Seth: All batteries fire when ready!
Capt. Antony: Initiating evasive maneuvers! They're charging weapons!
Ens. McAliber: You're the pilot, Cap'n! Evade 'em!
Capt. Antony reverses thrusters.
Ens. McAliber looks up from his weapon controls. He trains the Artemis and Burst Laser Mk II on the mercenary ship’s weapons bay.
Capt. Antony attempts to move The Kestrel behind the enemy mercenary ship.
Mercenary Seth (to his crew): PAH! We may be smaller, but we will be much more maneuverable!
Ens. McAliber (muttering under his breath): Can't shoot us if I shoot you first, ya bastards...
Capt. Antony cuts off transmission between the two ships.
Lt. Vanguard: Captain! That's a Burst Laser Mark I not basic laser as Ens. McAliber previously assessed. If he fails to miss your evasive maneuvers, we WILL be hit!
Capt. Antony: I think we just picked a bad fight!
Mercenary Seth (to his crew): I don't care what it takes…we will be rich beyond our dreams...Do you have any idea how much the Rebels will pay for them? One hundred scrap!
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Ens. McAliber: Burst Laser Mark I? Bloody hell, how'd I miss that!?
Capt. Antony: We're going to need all the evasion we can get out of this ship.
Mercenary Seth (to his crew): They are charging and preparing to come about our rear. All power to our rear shields! It won't be long now!
Ens. McAliber prepares to fire as soon as the weapons go hot.
Capt. Antony: Lt. Vanguard, can you run back to engines and see if you can squeeze us some more thrust?
Mercenary Seth (Barking orders at his crew): Get those weapons ready! Aim for their life support! They can't fight if they can't breathe."
Lt. Vanguard: Sure thing, Captain! I won't be able to make a difference in here anyway. Might be a bit quiet though, I'll have to familiarize myself with the engines system on the fly!
Lt. Vanguard sets the shield system on auto and sprints back to the engine room.
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Ens. McAliber: Artemis away! But so is theirs, Cap'n!
Mercenary Crewman: Sir, they are trying to target our weapons.
Capt. Antony: I can't evade it! I NEED MORE thrust!
Both Captains (to their respective crew): Brace for impact!
Mercenary Seth (to his pilot): Try to keep close to them...If they want to inflict any damage make sure they feel it too.
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Ens. McAliber fires off the Burst Laser Mark II and braces himself against the console. Mercenary Crewman: Sir! We have taken heavy damage in our weapon’s bay!
Mercenary Seth: Tactical? Did we hit them?
The Kestrel shudders as the enemy missile hits the port side of the ship.
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer! Damage Report!
Mercenary Crewman: We have caused critical damage to their Medbay...Thermal scans are showing a heavy fire in that part of their ship.
Ship Computer: “Medbay offline! Fire detected.”
Mercenary Seth: Get those shields up, damn it! Dispatch a repair crew to the weapons bay!
Capt. Antony: Mac?
Ens. McAliber: And, now we're on fire. Bloody marvelous!
Capt. Antony: Have we damaged them at least?
Ens. McAliber tries to get a read on the enemy ship.
Ens. McAliber: Weapon systems are damaged but functional. Can't tell if the lasers all hit or not.
Capt. Antony: Brace yourselves! Incoming burst laser fire!
Ens. McAliber: Oh hell...
Capt. Antony pulls up the blast door control system and vents the Medbay to space.
Mercenary Crewman: Sir, the enemy vessel appears to be venting atmosphere!
Capt. Antony: Hopefully that'll put out the fire in med bay!
Mercenary Seth: Bah! Can you detect their life signs? Without their Medbay they won't stand a chance!
Ens. McAliber keeps his eyes on the weapons console.
Ens. McAliber: Enemy Artemis still online, Burst I is down. Orders Cap'n? There’s still plenty of ship to paint a target on. They'll have that Artemis firing again in a few more seconds.
Capt. Antony: Thanks for the extra juice, Vanguard. I am attempting to roll the ship in between the incoming laser blasts. Mac, continue targeting their weapons with our lasers! I thing we’ve got them! Let’s conserve our missiles.
Lt. Vanguard: Not a problem. I think I'm getting the hang of this...
Ens. McAliber: Aye-aye, Cap’n!
The Kestrel rocks to port as lasers blast the aft hull section.
Capt. Antony: We're hit! Again! How did I not manage to miss at least one of those?
Ens. McAliber leaves the Artemis charged and focuses the Burst II, again, on their weapons systems.
Mercenary Crewman: INCOMING!
Mercenary Seth: ...Where are my lasers?
Ship Computer: “Fire detected in Engines! Warning!”
Mercenary Seth: Repair crew!... Status!
Capt. Antony: Vanguard, are you OK?
Lt. Vanguard: I'm fine, but the engines aren't! We've taken some damage here and one of the consoles overloaded so we've got an electrical fire to deal with too! I'm trying to put it out now!
Capt. Antony: Get out of there Vanguard! I’m sensing unmanageable carbon monoxide levels. I'll vent the engine room out to space.
Lt. Vanguard finds a path through the fire and exits the engine room.
Mercenary Crewman: I am detecting some small fluxuations in their shields, Sir.
Mercenary Seth: God dammit, and what kind of fluxuations?
Capt. Antony: Shields are down! Let's hope we take them out quick!
Mercenary Crewman: Their shields seem to be taking slightly longer to come back online, Sir!
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Capt. Antony begins to vent the engine room to space as he checks to make sure that Vanguard is clear and safe.
Mercenary Crewman: Our weapons are offline Sir!
Mercenary Seth: WHAT?!? Repair Crew, do you copy? Are you okay?
Ship Computer: “Fire hazard in Medbay and Engines…Lowering oxygen levels to assist venting to space.”
Mercenary Repair Crew: Yes captain, we have sustained injuries but are back on our feet.
Ens. McAliber adjusts targeting, leaving the Artemis ready to fire and training the Burst II squarely at their helm.
Mercenary Seth: Then why aren't my weapons back online? Dock them a day's rations!
Capt. Antony: We've got 'em pinned, Mac. They're sitting ducks!
Mercenary Seth: Divert any remaining power from weapons to the engines. Lets see if they can hit us now!!!
Mercenary Crewman: Shields back to full, Sir!
Ens. McAliber prepares to fire the Burst II as it reaches full charge.
Ens. McAliber: Like fish in a goddamn barrel, Cap'n.
Capt. Antony: We're going to need Engines back up and running asap! Meet with Vanguard, check his injuries and wait till I tell you to go in.
Ens. McAliber (saluting the comm speaker): Aye sir! I’m transferring weapons control to bridge.
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Ens. McAliber leaves Captain Antony in control of weapons and goes to meet Lt. Vanguard and prepare to storm the engine room for repairs once the Captain gives the signal.
Capt. Antony: The fire in engines is almost out!
Mercenary Seth: Why are they stopping?
Mercenary Crewman: The damage to their engine room seems to have disabled their engines for now captain.
Mercenary Seth: Bring us about once more!
Ens. McAliber listens to the fires on the other side of the engine room door.
Ens. McAliber: Should not have left my brandy in there...
Capt. Antony: Dammit! We're sitting ducks ourselves. I've lost all engine power! That fire completely took out our engines before subsiding!
Ens. McAliber shakes his head sadly, mourning the loss of good liquor.
Mercenary Crewman: Sir the enemy vessel is preparing to fire again…their lasers are almost at full power!
Mercenary Seth: Open a channel on all Mantis frequencies, without any weapons we may need to bring in support!
Capt. Antony, realizing that the enemy is sure but dead, leaves the cock-pit and rushes back to the Engine room door.
Mercenary Repair Crew: Sir, one of our crew has passed out in shock and another is assisting him…it may take longer than expected to get these weapons back online!
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, seal the aft airlocks and boost oxygen levels in the engine room!
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Ship Computer: ”Enemy destruction is imminent. Their reactor core has gone critical!”
Mercenary Crewman: Sir, critical hull damage and a leak in our reactor, we must retreat immediately!
Ens. McAliber, delayed in trying to transfer weapon’s control to the bridge discovers that the Ship Computer has locked him out of the system.
Ens. McAliber: Sodding heap of junk...
Mercenary Seth blasts the Crewman and takes her place at the helm.
Mercenary Seth: Anyone else want to run?
Mercenary Repair Crew: Captain! We have partially restored weapons control.
Mercenary Seth: Well it's about bloody time...Load another missile before they start moving again!
Capt. Antony, travelling through weapon's control notices Ens. McAliber struggling with the system. He enters in his override command and makes sure that the final laser volley takes purchase.
Capt. Antony joins Lt. Vanguard in the engine room and they hurriedly begin making repairs to the engines while Ens. McAliber watches the weapons control system.
Capt. Antony: How do they look, Mac?
Ens. McAliber: Their weapons are partially restored. Their Artemis is powering up again. Out Burst II is firing now.
Ens. McAliber paints the Burst II over their engines for the next round, if by some miracle the Mantis-built ship survives this volley.
Ship Computer: ”Enemy ship is on a collision course with The Kestrel!”
Capt. Antony: They're attempting to ram us! They must know they're done for!
Mercenary Seth: Begin self destruct protocol...
Ens. McAliber: Oh like HELL they are.
Mercenary Seth: If we can get close enough as this goes off it won't have all been in vain.
Ens. McAliber points the readied Burst II at their bridge and stabs down on the fire button.
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, as soon as Engines come back online, drive hard to starboard!
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Mercenary Seth (with his dying breath): "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Ship Computer: "Enemy Destroyed! Enemy Destroyed! Fire in med-bay extinguished!”
Ens. McAliber rushes to the engine room to assist in repairs, hoping his stash of booze somehow survived the damage.
The Mantis Scout hurdles straight towards The Kestrel, but just in the nick of time, the engines engage and avoid the fiery hulk.
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Clear of The Kestrel, the mercenary's ship explodes leaving a debris field of wrangled metal. With Engines now fixed and the FTL Drive now back to recharging, the crew head to Med Bay to repair it so that Vanguard can acquire some healing for his minor burns. The technological marvel that is The Kestrel's Medbay quickly analyzes and treats Vanguard's burns getting him back to peak health in no time at all.
Ship Computer: Captain, I have scanned the debris field. Their port fuel tank is still intact and two missiles are floating in the debris field.
With The Kestrel back in working order, the Captain swings over to harvest the fuel, missiles and precious metals located in the destroyed ship's engine core.
The Kestrel acquires: 3-Fuel, 2-Missiles & 12-Scrap.
As the ship leaves the debris field, the mercenary's severed and charred floating head ruptures against the bow of The Kestrel leaving a green Mantis mandible stuck wedged to the Kestrel's hull. Suitably, it acts as a ceremonial mark representing their first ship-to-ship victory.
The crew rest and reflect on their first ship-to-ship battle. They consider what they could have done better whilst also realize that things could have turned out much worse.
Capt. Antony walks into the Officer Dining room adjoined to his quarters where he finds Lt. Vanguard, Ens. McAliber and his companion, Stacie, sitting down waiting for his arrival to the table. He debriefs the crew as to the status of the ship and issues commendations for a job well done. Meritorious notations in each crewmember’s files are award for repairs well done. Ens. McAliber receives a special medal for steadfast weapon's accuracy whilst under fire, and Lt. Vanguard receives a ribbon for performing admirably whilst suffering from burns. The crew eats and light banter and revelry ensues. Through the dining room window, the debris field of the destroyed mercenary ship can be seen for miles and miles.
Capt. Antony turns to Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber at the dinner table.
Capt. Antony: I was so distracted by the battle with the mercenary that I neglected to scan the nearby planet…so, before the meal, I had the Ship Computer scan for life forms or any signs of civilization or technology on the planet surface.
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, what is the status of the scans?
Ship Computer: "Captain, scans reveal a crashed ship and several life-forms on the habitable planet surface."
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, are we picking up a distress beacon?
Ship Computer: "No, Captain."
Capt. Antony: Hmmm...Strange. Could this ship and nearby life-forms have been a victim of the mercenary that we just bested?
Lt. Vanguard: It might be worth checking out.
Ens. McAliber: How about we land The Kestrel and take Rover #1 out for a spin? I've been waiting all trip to get behind the wheel of that over-sized dune-buggy.
Capt. Antony: Then it's settled. We'll land near the source of the life-form signatures and drive up to their encampment.
The Captain heads to the cockpit as Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber head down to the Vehicle Bay to get Rover #1 ready. He skillfully takes The Kestrel through the planet's atmosphere and sets The Kestrel down in a clearing that is on the other side of a the valley where the life forms were detected.
Capt. Antony: I'll be right down, gentlemen!
Capt. Antony sits in the seat next to the driver seat where Ens. McAliber now sits ready to enjoy his time driving Rover #1. Lt. Vanguard hits a switch that opens the aft vehicle bay door and extends the ramp.
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Rover #1 exits the rear of The Kestrel and drives off toward the life-form signatures.
Capt. Antony: How does it handle?
Ens. McAliber: Real good! This thing can turn on a dime if it had to.
Lt. Vanguard: Captain, I am detecting a movement of the life-form signatures. Our landing here may not have gone unnoticed.
Capt. Antony: Well we don't want to scare them. Let's park over there behind that mound and walk in the rest of the way.
Rover #1 parks behind the mound and the crew exits the vehicle. Suits are not needed as the air is breathable, however, the crew bring along scanners and blasters. Lt. Vanguard takes point as they head closer to the ship that was picked up by The Kestrel's scanners.
Lt. Vanguard: Captain, that's a Zoltan cargo vessel.
Ens. McAliber: What are Zoltans doing in this sector so far from their homeworld?]
Capt. Antony: I have no clue. I just hope they're friendly.
The Kestrel's crew casually walks up to what appears to be a make-shift encampment made from parts of the Zoltan's ship.
Lt. Vanguard (scanning the ship): The ship appears to be non-functional. They might be marooned on this planet.
Capt. Antony approaches a bit closer with his officers in tow.
Capt. Antony (projecting his voice forward to a group of three Zoltans): Hello there!
The three Zoltans cautiously move backwards facing the men, not blinking or making a sound. Capt. Antony turns to Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber.
Capt. Antony: What do you make of them?
Lt. Vanguard uses his scanner to scan the Zoltans in front of them.
Ens. McAliber: They seem a wee bit rude to me.
Lt. Vanguard: Captain, it's highly likely that these Zoltans do not understand our language. Their universal translator may not be operational.
One Zoltan whispers to another…it nods it's head…the one that whispered steps forward.
Lt. Vanguard: Captain, one has just stepped forward. Maybe this one is ready to say something.
Capt. Antony approaches the Zoltan hand extended.
Capt. Antony: Hello again...Are you in need of assistance?
The Kestrel crew wait patiently for the Zoltan to speak.
Xeon: Yes…We were delivering some supplies to a Federation Base on a southern moon but we ran into some thugs…Without warning they shot our engines and we crash landed here.
Capt. Antony: What kind of ship were these thugs using? We just destroyed one a few hours ago before venturing down here.
Xeon: We are sorry…We have not met many human's.
Ens. McAliber: And we have not met many Zoltans.
Xeon: The thug ship was a Mantis Scout Class.
Capt. Antony: Well they won't be bothering you anymore.
Xeon: Why? What happened to them?
Lt. Vanguard (chuckling): They had some difficulties with a leaking reactor core.
Xeon: That serves them right! Those bastards! I nearly lost half my crew.
Capt. Antony: I met a Zoltan once…
Xeon: Most of us are badly wounded. Do you have any medical supplies?
Capt. Antony: We have some medical supplies aboard our land transport beyond that hill.
Capt. Antony hails The Kestrel's Ship Computer.
Capt. Antony: Ship Computer, auto-pilot Rover #1 to our present location.
Ship Computer: "Yes, Captain."
Xeon: That would help a lot…We have been stuck here for days…We haven't had food or water for a while.
Within a few minutes Rover #1 appears from around the hill and parks near the Zoltan encampment.
Capt. Antony: Ens. McAliber, please fetch the emergency medical kit and survival rations aboard Rover #1.
Ens. McAliber: Yes, Captain.
Xeon: By the way…my name's Xeon.
Ens. McAliber returns with the medical supplies and food rations and offers them to Xeon.
Xeon takes them thankfully.
Capt. Antony: My name is Captain Antony StarKiller. This is Lieutenant Vanguard and giving you the medical supplies and food rations is Ensign McAliber.
Xeon: You are very generous and kind to help us.
Capt. Antony: It appears that your ship seems to be non-functioning.
Xeon: Yes, the crash has damaged our ship tremendously.
Capt. Antony: Do you know anything about the Rebel fleet taking over this sector?
Xeon: Oh, let me think...Yes!...We were transporting some Rebel designs to their fleet in this sector. For your help, you can keep them. They are in the storage bay. Be careful, there might be fuel leaks and fires. I have to stay here and heal my crew.
The Kestrel crew carefully explores the Zoltan cargo ship and eventually finds the crate containing Rebel plans.
Lt. Vanguard takes a look at the documents.
Lt. Vanguard: Captain, this is most peculiar. The Rebel fleet seems to be operating in synchronization with an unknown ship. There is also Zoltan technology aboard this ship.
Capt. Antony: I wonder if Xeon knows more than he's letting on.
The Kestrel crew return to the Zoltan encampment.
Xeon: Oh, Captain…you’re back…did you get the plans?
Capt. Antony: Yes we found them. I wanted to ask you…
Xeon: That's great! I hope they help.
Xeon acts suspicious.
Suddenly and without explanation, The Kestrel crew begin to suffer from a fit of madness and fall to the ground.
Capt. Antony (clawing his way up a rock): I...need...to...get...out...of...here...
Xeon tries to help the crewmembers up.
Lt. Vanguard (holding his head): My...head...is...killing...me!
Ens. McAliber (crawling aimlessly into a wall of the Zoltan encampment): I...can't...see...Cap'n
Xeon thinks it must be the radiation coming from their bodies.
Xeon (shouting to his crew): Get away from them! Now!
The Kestrel crew dance around in a fit of hysteria. The Zoltan crew backs away from the scene. After an hour, The Kestrel crew return to normal.
Xeon (approaches carefully): I must ask…What happened?
Lt. Vanguard: It appears that your ship is leaking radiation that is deadly to our human bodies.
Lt. Vanguard verifies his theory with his scanner.
Xeon: I'll patch that up as soon as possible.
As The Kestrel crew attempt to enter Rover #1 to return to their ship, it is obvious that interference from the Zoltan's leaking radiation has caused The Kestrel's ship computer to lock the crew out of the vehicle.
Capt. Antony (struggling override the door controls): Oh my! We now seem to be stuck here ourselves.
Xeon: That's not entirely true. I have an idea!
The Kestrel crew listen.
Xeon: If you and your crew help us patch up our ship, it will stop the radiation leak and fix your vehicle. It’s a win-win for everyone.
The Kestrel crew, in agreement, begin to work on repairing the Zoltan cargo ship side-by-side with those Zoltans not too injured to work. Not too long into the work, a crewmember of The Kestrel comes down with yet another fit of madness.
Lt. Vanguard (sneaks up to the sensitive drive core): This...is...not...happening! I...must...destroy...this...ship!
Xeon yells.
Lt. Vanguard begins bashing his head against the ship's drive core.
Capt. Antony: Quickly Mac! Get him out of here! He's been over exposed!
Xeon: This is too dangerous of a task. I will send some men to go find some anti-radiation suits for you and your men.
The Kestrel crew don the anti-radiation suits, but not before Lt. Vanguard has semi-recovered.
With the Zoltan ship now fully functional, The Kestrel crew say farewell as the Zoltan's board ready to depart.
Xeon: For your help and the suffering you and your men are went through, I'm going to give you some useful Rebel plans.
Capt. Antony: More useful than the ones we already have?
Lt. Vanguard (whispering): I knew it, Captain. They WERE holding back on us.
Xeon: Yes, these are blueprints for a huge rebel flagship. It is nearly in completion.
Xeon hands over the plans.
Capt. Antony: This must be the ship for which we have vital data to deliver to Federation HQ.
Ens. McAliber: Captain, the weakness! I now see it!
Xeon: We thank you very much and wish you luck on your journey ahead. Goodbye Captain!
Ens. McAliber: It is a "hive" ship for the entire Rebel fleet. If we can destroy it, the Rebel fleet will be crippled.
Capt. Antony (noticing something about the plans): Wait a second, Xeon!
Xeon: Yes Captain?
Capt. Antony: The plans here indicate that this flagship has the capability of using a Zoltan over-shield. What are its weaknesses?
Xeon: Yes, ion weapons are very effective against our over-shields. I hope that helps.
The Zoltan crew climb into their ship and fly off into the distance...Rover #1, now free of interference, returns to normal operation and The Kestrel crew head back to The Kestrel. The Kestrel takes off and begins preparations for more adventures.
Lt. Vanguard: Remind me not to spend any more time next to un-shielded drive cores, alright? This headache still doesn't want to go away.
Capt. Antony: Yeah, you were totally not yourself down there!
Lt. Vanguard: I don't really remember much of it, honestly. I remember going into that ruined ship to find some blueprints or something.
Ens. McAliber: You had me scared out of my Federation issued boots!
Lt. Vanguard: And then I don't remember anything until when that Zoltan captain gave us some additional specs. Sorry if I did anything...crazy...
The Kestrel crew return to their stations ready for the next jump. The Captain broadcasts the Beacon Map over all the ship terminals.
Lt. Vanguard: I think I'll go down to the Medbay to make sure everything is alright. Let me know when we're jumping, Captain!
Capt. Antony: Will do. Let's see here...
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Ens. McAliber: Well, not much choice there, Cap'n.
Lt. Vanguard: It's either forward or back into the Rebel's clutches!
Capt. Antony: OK, we're ready to jump when you return from Medbay, Lt. Vanguard.
Lt. Vanguard heads back to shields, having ensured that there was no lasting damage done by the radiation.
Lt. Vanguard: Ready when you are, Captain!
The Kestrel prepares to jump.
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DMCI Interface Begin
DMCI: Hull Strength: -3 (Hull Strength: 22)
DMCI: Scrap: +12 (Scrap: 37)
DMCI: Fuel: +3 (Fuel: 21)
DMCI: Missiles: -1 (Missiles: 9)
DMCI: Missiles: +2 (Missiles: 11)
DMCI: Crew#1|Repair: +1 (Crew#1|Repair: 1)
DMCI: Crew#2|Repair: +1 (Crew#2|Repair: 1)
DMCI: Crew#3|Weapons: +2 (Crew#3|Weapons: 2)
DMCI: Crew#3|Repair: +1 (Crew#3|Repair: 1)
DMCI: Crew#1|Rover: +1 (Crew#1|Rover: 1)
DMCI: Crew#1|Positive Interaction: +1 (Crew#1|Positive Interaction: 1)
DMCI: Crew#1|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#1|Away Team / Rescue: 3)
DMCI: Crew#2|Rover: +1 (Crew#2|Rover: 1)
DMCI: Crew#2|Positive Interaction: +1 (Crew#2|Positive Interaction: 1)
DMCI: Crew#2|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#2|Away Team / Rescue: 5)
DMCI: Crew#3|Rover: +1 (Crew#3|Rover: 1)
DMCI: Crew#3|Positive Interaction: +1 (Crew#3|Positive Interaction: 1)
DMCI: Crew#3|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#3|Away Team / Rescue: 5)
DMCI Interface End