1) The Kestrel's (Enhanced 3 Deck Layout)
Click Image or HERE to enlarge the image.
2) The current "Ship Stats and Summary Info" page
Click Image or HERE to enlarge the image.
3) The current "Crew Stats" page
Antony as Capt. Antony Starkiller III
Click Image or HERE to see the un-cropped image.
VanguardOfValor as Lieutenant Vanguard
Click Image or HERE to see the un-cropped image.
Kieve as Ensign Sean “Mac” McAliber
Click Image or HERE to see the un-cropped image.
4) The current "Ship Scrap Accounting" page
Click Image or HERE to see the un-cropped image.
5) The current "Captain's Log"
Click Image or HERE to enlarge the image.
6) Some BONUS animations from the up and coming "FTL: 8-Bit Comic"
Raw Test Animatic: http://s730.beta.photobucket.com/user/TEAM-INSANE/media/FTL_Test_Hangar_Opening_Ship_Leaving_Doors_Closing_Animation_1_sec_per_frame_HD_zps45e4a21f.mp4.html
Further Enhanced and Extended Test Animatic: http://s730.beta.photobucket.com/user/TEAM-INSANE/media/Test_Animatic_Extended_zps46d5cdaa.mp4.html
More to come!!!