Turn 3

Title: Nobody Home!

DMCI Interface Begin
DMCI: Turn: +1 (Turn: 3)
DMCI: Fuel: -1 (Fuel: 18)
DMCI Interface End

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The scanners pick up an encrypted Federation signal being broadcast from a nearby planet at this beacon.

Capt. Antony: Hmmm....Lt. Vanguard, are you able to decrypt the signal? This could be a trap!

Lt. Vanguard: Well, after taking such a long look just HOPING for a trace of the federation ship that was destroyed, it would seem strange for us to pass up such a clear chance now....But no, the encryption must have been a new one, it's nothing I'm familiar with. Although, it still has some of the Federation hallmarks, so it looks more or less legit. Hard to say. The computer can't do it either.

Capt. Antony: OK, Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber.....How about taking a shuttle down to investigate?

Lt. Vanguard: I say we do it. There might be some loyalists down there who need our help.

Ens. McAliber: And we can't abandon them after taking so long trying to save a stinking worm.

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The shuttle approaches what looks like a hidden federation base, although no one responds to requests for docking permission.

Lt. Vanguard: This looks grim, Mac. They'd have answered by now if they were going to. Get ready for trouble....

Docking safely in the silent base, the shuttle sets down without incident.

Capt. Antony 's voice comes over on the shuttle comm.

Capt. Antony: What do you see?

Lt. Vanguard: There's literally nothing here, Captain.

Capt. Antony: Ship scanners are not detecting any life signatures.

Ens. McAliber: We'd better take a look around in case there's anyone hidden away somewhere.

Capt. Antony pulls up the video feeds on Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber's suit cams.

Ens. McAliber and Lt. Vanguard move through the various rooms of the federation outpost finding no traces of life nearby.

Capt. Antony hits the monitor correcting the usual static interference.

They enter the living quarters.

Lt. Vanguard: Well....I think we found what happened to the people here.

The walls are coated in a very faint film of dried blood. There are no bodies to be seen, but it is a grisly sight nonetheless.

Capt. Antony: Lt. Vanguard, I have a location on the signal emitter. It is coming from the Operations Room.

Lt. Vanguard: Well, let's turn it off and get out of here quickly. This place is creeping me out.

Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber head back to the Operations Room. It isn't long before Ens. McAliber finds and disables the signal emitter.

Ens. McAliber: Alright captain, we're on our way back. Looks like whatever or whoever did this is long gone.

Capt. Antony: Do you think it was Rebel, Pirates, Slavers or something else?

Lt. Vanguard: It's hard to say, although I doubt pirates or slavers would have done the job so cleanly. There's literally nothing wrong here apart from the fact that everyone is evidently dead and there are no bodies to be found.

Capt. Antony: It must have been Rebels! Only Rebels would be that surgical.

Lt. Vanguard: Yes, I'd put my money on the Rebels being behind it if I had to choose.

Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber make their way back to the shuttle being careful not to get their suits soiled.

Lt. Vanguard: We've made it back to the shuttle and are heading back to The Kestrel now.

As the shuttle docks back aboard The Kestrel, Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber visit the Med Bay to thoroughly decontaminate themselves just in case.

Capt. Antony hits the ship comm to talk to Lt. Vanguard and Ens. McAliber in the Med Bay.

Capt. Antony: Gentlemen, I'm glad to see you both back in one piece!

Lt. Vanguard: That certainly could have been much worse than it was...

Ens. McAliber: Hopefully we can keep ahead of whatever took them out in the first place.

Capt. Antony: It certainly is strange that we're not really finding anything other than fuel. Not that I'm complaining because we'll certainly need it for the long journey ahead.

Lt. Vanguard: If we can find some raw metals, I'm sure we could find some way to bolster our systems. So, where to, Captain?

Capt. Antony pulls up the beacon map for the current sector.

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Lt. Vanguard: I believe we were planning to head back to the sector’s north east, unless this recent encounter has changed things.

Capt. Antony: Well, no sign of the Rebel fleet yet, but I'm sure they'll be on us in not time. Hey, wait a minute….I am picking up a distress signal!

Lt. Vanguard: Yes, we are picking up a distress signal down in the comm room....

Capt. Antony: Yes I get a feed of that right here on the cock-pit computer terminal. It is accessible via all terminals on the ship.

Lt. Vanguard: Ah, that makes things easier. We won't need to go below deck just to check the readouts.

Capt. Antony: No, that is simply the room that houses the comm devices for relaying communications, media and Ship Computer services to all the other areas of the ship.

Ens. McAliber: Think we should head over there and check it out? Those beacons are generally fairly urgent.

Capt. Antony: Yes, I agree!

Capt. Antony taps the coordinates into the navigational computer and checks all the systems as the crew settle into their assigned stations.

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The Kestrel Jumps!

DMCI Interface Begin
DMCI: Crew#2|Shuttle: +1 (Crew#2|Shuttle: 2)
DMCI: Crew#2|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#2|Away Team / Rescue: 2)
DMCI: Crew#3|Shuttle: +1 (Crew#3|Shuttle: 2)
DMCI: Crew#3|Away Team / Rescue: +1 (Crew#3|Away Team / Rescue: 2)
DMCI Interface End